Now, it seems that it is Silent Hill who is having the make over under the name Shattered Memories.
The source can be found HERE.
The most interesting parts of the story is as follows:
"The characters play different roles, things don't necessarily happen in the same order, and the story is taken in lots of new directions."
I don't quite know what they mean when they say this. Will alliances change? Will Dahlia actually be a nice person? If so, that will mess up the series plot a lot. Does the order relate to the various levels so you will go to the Hospital before the school for example.
"One of Shattered Memories' most significant and intriguing additions-your answers actually affect how the game unfolds."
This isn't much new, all Silent Hill games end depending on what you do - James, in SH2 had to do different things to get the different endings E.g. Angela's knife, his photo of Mary and the Blue gem. Maybe more will be revealed.
"The last interesting tit bit from the article says that fans of the series will also be delighted to learn that there's a way through every locked door."
This will make the game much longer if you're a magpie gamer (you have to collect EVERYTHING). It could also make it tedious if some rooms have nothing in them.
Eurogamer has also put an article about this game.
They also quoted some very interesting facts:
"Konami goes on to ambitiously tout no load times, and claims players will only flee rather than engage baddies during combat. And while fleeing, the Z button will handle context-sensitive manoeuvres like breaking down doors, hopping fences and crashing through windows."
Will the game be challenging at all if you cannot combat the Monsters that show up? Will this take away some of the tension you usually get when playing Silent Hill games?
"Specifically, players will move Harry using the control stick and aim the torch by waving the Wiimote. Then, when Harry spots or uncovers something of interest, he'll vocally respond."
This will be a very good aspect if they do decide to do this. You'll get a better idea of how the character is feeling as the game progresses.
I'm disappointed that it's for the Wii - unfair seeing that the Playstation has had every Silent Hill game since release.
Here is an interesting read. It shows some screen shots of the game ans well as full information as how the game is going to work. There are some good points and also some bad but I'll leave it up to you to decide which you think are the negatives and positives.
It seems that a lot has been done for the games so far so a release should be imminent - Personally I am looking forward to it.
So, what does everybody think?
Is the Wii a good move?
Will it sell more than Homecoming did?