Around a month ago I asked fans from several forums and websites to complete a survey on their likes and dislikes regarding the Project Zero/Fatal Frame Series.
100 responses were received and the results were published on the following websites:
I was hoping for people to comment on the results before putting the results on this blog but only one person replied :( (Thanks Elwing from
So instead I'll give you the results without any insights and include the link to the charts and statistics etc at the end if you're interested enough to do so.
Let's begin:
Favourite Protagonist:
RUNNER UP: Mio Amakura (30%)
Others mentioned: Rei Kurosawa (21%), Mayu Amakura (7%), Kei Amakura (5%).
Favourite Antagonist:
RUNNER UP: Reika Kuze (36%)
Others mentioned: Kirie Himuro (19%)
Favourite Ghost:
RUNNER UP: Akane and Azami Kiryu AKA The Kiryu Twins
Others mentioned: Blind Maiden, Woman Brushing, Crawling Woman, Kusabi, Broken Neck (PZ2), Fallen Woman, Engraver, Broken Neck (PZ1).
This was an open question so there were a lot of different responses. Those above were all in the Top 10.
Which was best for...Storyline:
RUNNER UP: Project Zero III: The Tormented (33%)
Others mentioned: Project Zero (8%)
Which was best for...Ghosts:
RUNNER UP: Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly (23%)
Others mentioned: Project Zero (21%)
Which was best for...Scares:

RUNNER UP: Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly (32%)
Others mentioned: Project Zero III: The Tormented (28%)
Favourite Game Overall:
RUNNER UP: Project Zero III: The Tormented (34%)
Others mentioned: Project Zero (14%)
Worst Protagonist:

RUNNER UP: Kei Amakura (35%)
Others mentioned: Rei Kurosawa (16%), Miku Hinisaki (6%), Mio Amakura (5%)
Worst Antagonist:

RUNNER UP: Reika Kuze (33%)
Others mentioned: Sae Kurosawa (23%)
Which game was worst for...Storyline:

RUNNER UP: Project Zero III: The Tormented (36%)
Others mentioned: Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly (16%)
Which game was worst for...Ghosts:

RUNNER UP: Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly (26%)
Others mentioned: Project Zero III: The Tormented (21%)
Which game was worst for...Scares:
RUNNER UP: Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly (32%)
Others mentioned: Project Zero (31%)
Worst Game Overall:

RUNNER UP: Project Zero III: The Tormented (31%)
Others mentioned: Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly (16%)
I then went on to ask people what they thought about the situation regarding Project Zero IV and the future of the franchise...
Would you have bought Project Zero IV if had been released in the UK/US:
Yes: 91%
Some of them actually did buy the Japanese game.
No, Not Interested: 0%
Not surprising seeing that only fans of the series responded to the survey.
No, Don't own a Wii: 9%
Don't Know: 0%
Were you annoyed that Project Zero IV was sold to Nintendo:
Yes, Very Annoyed: 63%
Kinda: 14%
No, I have a Wii so it doesn't matter: 22%
Would you buy Project Zero V if it was released:
Yes, definitely: 74%
Only if it's released on the PS2/PS2/360: 20%
No: 0% (Good news for Tecmo)
Depends on what it's like: 5%
Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly is the clear leader here. It was the Winner of 4 polls including Best Game and Runner Up in the best categories 3 times.
The original Project Zero didn't fair as well despite winning more of the best categories than Project Zero III: The Tormented. It regularly placed top in the worst categories.

As for Project Zero IV, well it seems it would have sold well if released in the UK/US. It would have been well received by the fans if we were able to play it.
You can see the charts and my opinions on these responses in more detail HERE