This is the game that seems to be getting the Survival Horror fans really excited. I am not excited at all about this game at all and I'm more excited about Silent Hill Homecoming.
This game is due for release in the UK and the US on 13th March '09, just two weeks after the European release of Silent Hill Homecoming. This means that the game has overshadowed the release of Homecoming in within the European market.
The game is set ten years after the first Resident Evil game and follows Chris Redfield who was the protagonist of the first game. It's set in a fictional country of Kijuju, Africa where Chris has been sent there to investigate an accident that happened as part of his service in the Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA).
A trailer shown at the E3 game's convention 2007 sparked an accusation of racism from Newsweek reporter, N'Gai Croal.
The trailer showed the White protagonist laying bullets into a group of Zombies, all of who were black, which I would expect seeing that it's in an African setting.
The following year a second trailer was made showing both black and white Zombies and an additional Female character of African descent. However, according to the games developers, these changes weren't made due to the controversy of the first trailer.
You can see an article about this here
I have also included the newest trailer which I found on youtube which shows more about the storyline and game play:
Resident Evil 4 didn't impress me at all despite all the raving reviews it received and it has put me off all Resident Evil games period. Apparently Resident Evil 5 plays exactly like Resident Evil 4 which really puts me off. However, the graphics in Resident Evil 5 are much better which is understandable seeing it's a next-gen game. The Zombies in particular look very scary compared to the Zombies that were in Resident Evil 4 but that isn't enough to persuade me to get it at release.
I may buy this in the very distant future when the price has gone down. I am not going to make the same mistake I made with Resident Evil 4.
For more details you can check out the Official Website which can be found HERE
This game was released in the US and the UK on Oct 14th '08 and I still haven't had any interest in buying it. It's another First Person Shooter set on the USG Ishimura "Planet Cracker" ship, whilst mining the planet of Aegis VII.
You play as Isaac Clarke, an engineer who is stranded after his ship becomes infested by the Corruption, a hostile, virus-like, alien DNA with the ability to infest the bodies of the dead, turning them into grotesque Monsters called Necromorphs.
It's not that I'm not intrigued by this game, I do want to try it because people say it's brilliant and scary. I just don't want to pay the full price tag for it. Now however, the price has gone down to around £28 but I'm still not going to run to the shops to get it. I don't like first person shooters very much and that is what this game is, this means that it's mostly an action game which intimidates me. I didn't like Resident Evil 4 for this reason and it's also one of the reasons I'm not interested in Resident Evil 5 (above).
Below is a trailer I found on the Official website:
If you go to the Survival Horror forum on the US Playstation website you'll see that almost every thread is on Dead Space. It's proven to be very popular and it's got me interested in it - only slightly though. I have downloaded and attempted to play the demo but it doesn't emphasise much on the story so you can't get an idea on whether the game would interest you or not. It forces you into battle straight away and that's not what I look for when buying a Survival Horror game.
More videos and images can be found on the Official Website which can be found HERE
Anybody else not interested in these games?
Should Dead Space be considered a Survival Horror instead of a straight forward FPS like Resistance?
Will Resident Evil 5 be better than Resident Evil 4?
Hey jade, I have read many posts from you on the playstation forums, And love what you have done with this blog. My PSN tag is Droozy if you want to send me a FR. Im a survival Nut as well.
Anyways, couple things on Dead Space. Great Game, and the story is very well done. Its also controls like Resident evil Code Verioica..... 3rd person, not First. I have done 3 playthroughs on it, and there are scenes that made me jump each time. The story alone again is worth the 40 bucks i see it at for sale.
PSN: Droozy
I've played a demo of Dead Space but it seems too actiony for me.
I'm more interested in playing RE5 and as you can see from the blog - I don't fancy that either.
Just so you know, the demo for dead space was garbage.... that part in the actual game is completley different as well. In the UK if there is a place to rent the game, go that route. trust me.... from a gamer that likes Siren, fatal frame, the suffering, DS is good.
On RE5..... well I can't comment on it yet. I bought it from for the 360, ($42bucks)....but i still don't have it yet. As for RE4.... i had the Wii version, which To me added to the tension of the game making it a bit better.A bit tougher so to speak while using the wiimote. If I had to use a controller.... well it (RE4) just would of been a shooter action game.
Pretty much the whole internet has unanimously agreed that the Dead Space demo was completely misleading and unrepresentative of the final game.
The demo is the part of the game wherein the most combat seems to have happened. Everything else is much less in terms of monster count and instead relies on the old tradional forms, such as noise, glimpses, atmosphere.
I really enjoyed it, and I'm someone who really doesn't like the direction Resident Evil is taking, which is odd as Dead Space also features an over the shoulder shooting style.
You should try and borrow it off someone or something... a lot of people who didn't like the demo have been convinced by the full game.
P.S Even though I check your blog for updates about once a week, quite a few have sprung up saying they're from months ago. Weird.
They say they're from a few months ago because that's when I started them. It dates from when it was created rather than when it was posted.
Sometimes I think of another topic I have more enthusiasm for.
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